Characteristics of our education

Meaningful education

In group 1- 8 we work with topic-based learning.

Group 1 and 2
The “Schatkist” method is used in group 1 and 2. This method offers children age-appropriate topics that will help them learn a range of subjects including science and technology. Beebots are used to help children study computer programming from an early age.  This helps them learn about problem solving in a playful way and introduces them to 21st century learning skills which they will need in the future.

Group 3 and 4
Groups 3 and 4 work with the method “Blink” which presents subject and age-related topics to the children. Geography, history, and nature are taught in the context of one topic, enabling the child to make connections, however, in class they are taught as separate subjects.

Group 5 to 8
We use the method “Blink” in groups 5 to 8.  We take a more multi-disciplinary approach when teaching the older children and link the core subjects of geography, history, and nature within a theme. This allows the children to experience and understand the connections between subjects and creates a more meaningful learning experience for them.  The children are encouraged to study these subjects in depth, over longer time periods so that they can learn more and remember more in the process.  

Learning through discovery

We think that it is important that children learn to find answers to a problem or a research question.  Learning through discovery helps children arrive at a solution or a product by using their 21st century skills and practicing how to apply them in their schoolwork.

Learning through motion

We think that it is important that children learn through their bodies.  Throughout the year learning through motion lessons take place in and around the classroom.  The children are taught while they are moving and need to complete an assignment or find answers to a question by looking somewhere in the school, on the playground or in the classroom.  This approach to learning is important because it provides stimulus to the brain and enables children to learn better.

Talent development

We pay special attention to inspire the children to find and develop their own talents during our special themed or creative atelier lessons.

Music is taught by a specialist subject teacher. During music lessons students not only sing, but also learn to play a variety of instruments, which we have at school.

Science & technology
We use the “Blink “workbook in science and technology lessons. Alongside this we also use different tools such as a Beebot and Osmo for group 3 and 4, group 5 and 6 use a Ozobot and group 7 and 8 use Lego WeDo.

All children have PE lessons twice a week. Groups 3 through 8 are taught by a specialist subject teacher. Groups 1 and 2 are taught once a week by their own teacher and once a week by the PE teacher.

Creative development
We use the method “Show Me” for our creative development lessons.

ICT and media literacy

We believe it is important to prepare children for the future. Part of this preparation, and an important 21st century skill, is digital literacy.  This consists of four parts: Basic ICT skills, computational thinking, information skills, and media literacy.

Basic ICT skills
The kindergarten groups use iPads which are programmed with educational apps.  The children use the iPads every day and have a lot of fun learning and playing.

Groups 3 to 8 use Chromebooks in the classroom. Children will be shown how to best use the computers in our ICT workshops and will learn the basics of typing and how you work in Google Drive.  As of 2020 – 2021 our group 6 children have received a typing diploma at school. Children in groups 7 and 8 go one step further with their computer use and learn how to build a website, for example. We use Google Classroom to communicate digitally with the children. This provides a central place for them to find their work, to communicate with their teachers and to upload any work they have finished. We also use the Chromebooks to enable the children to practice tests online or to do a test online.  We also have a lot of extra practice material online that can be help some children practice more or have more difficult work to do if they find the regular classwork too easy.  Children who have special learning needs can also learn online for Dutch, English, and spelling lessons.
Computational thinking
To help children develop their computational thinking we have a variety of material at school. Children from group 1 – 8 will be able to develop programming skills, which is why we work with the Beebot, the Ozobot, Osmo, and Lego WeDo. These materials are used in both the regular lessons and during the specialist courses we offer.

Information literacy
We use the method “Blits” to teach children how to learn to study effectively.  This also includes the important component of how and where to gather information, how to trust if information is correct and check for fake data, for example. As the children get older these lessons happen more often and get more complex. Children are also encouraged to use the internet in class and during the ICT lessons.  For, example if they have to make a presentation or write a paper, they will be encouraged to use the internet to research their topic and gather information and to put into practice what they have learnt in their information literacy lessons.

Media literacy
We also use a method to develop media literacy in the class, as the children get older, they will get more of these sorts of lessons.

Knowledge and skill

Our team is skilled in: